
King Arthur's Birthday Celebration
Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536K
Total Submissions: 2921 Accepted: 926


King Arthur is an narcissist who intends to spare no coins to celebrate his coming K-th birthday. The luxurious celebration will start on his birthday and King Arthur decides to let fate tell when to stop it. Every day he will toss a coin which has probability p that it comes up heads and 1-p up tails. The celebration will be on going until the coin has come up heads for K times. Moreover, the king also decides to spend 1 thousand coins on the first day's celebration, 3 thousand coins on the second day's, 5 thousand coins on the third day's ... The cost of next day will always be 2 thousand coins more than the previous one's. Can you tell the minister how many days the celebration is expected to last and how many coins the celebration is expected to cost?


The input consists of several test cases.
For every case, there is a line with an integer K ( 0 < K ≤ 1000 ) and a real number p (0.1 ≤ p ≤ 1).
Input ends with a single zero.


For each case, print two number -- the expected number of days and the expected number of coins (in thousand), with the fraction rounded to 3 decimal places.

Sample Input

1 1
1 0.5

Sample Output

1.000 1.000
2.000 6.000


国王(一个自恋狂)迎来了他的生日,生日开始之时他每天都会抛一次硬币,正面向上的概率为P(= =b其实我很想吐槽怎么做到的),然后多天累计正面向上次数达到k次后,生日庆典结束。




P(t) = C(t - 1, k - 1) * (1 - P)^(t-k)*P^k;

又 sigma(t = 1,+∞) P(t) = 1

sigma(t = 1,+∞) C(t - 1, k - 1) * (1 - P)^(t-k)*P^k = 1

(p/(1 - p))^k * sigma(t = 1,+∞) C(t - 1, k - 1) * (1 - P)^t = 1

∴ sigma(t = 1,+∞) C(t - 1, k - 1) * (1 - P)^t = ((1 - p)/p)^k


E = sigma(t = 1,+∞) P * t^2 (说明:sigma(t = 1,n) 2 * t - 1 = n^2)

sigma(t = 1,+∞) C(t - 1, k - 1) * (1 - P)^(t-k) * P^k * t^2

(p/(1 - p))^k * sigma(t = 1,+∞) C(t - 1, k - 1) * (1 - P)^t * t^2

(p/(1 - p))^k * sigma(t = 1,+∞) C(t - 1, k - 1) * (1 - P)^t * t^2

(p/(1 - p))^k * sigma(t = 1,+∞) C(t - 1, k - 1) * (1 - P)^t * t^2

(p/(1 - p))^k * k * sigma(t = 1,+∞) C(t, k) * (1 - P)^t * t

在 sigma(t = 1,+∞) C(t, k) * (1 - P)^t * t 中,有:

sigma(t = 1,+∞) C(t, k) * (1 - P)^t * (t + 1) - sigma(t = 1,+∞) C(t, k) * (1 - P)^t

sigma(t = 1,+∞) C(t + 1, k) * (1 - P)^t - (1 /(1 - p)) * sigma(t = 1,+∞) C(t, k) * (1 - P)^(t + 1)

(k + 1) * sigma(t = 1,+∞) C(t + 1, k + 1) * (1 - P)^t - (1 /(1 - p)) * sigma(t = 1,+∞) C(t, k) * (1 - P)^(t + 1)

((k + 1)/(1 - p)^2) * sigma(t = 1,+∞) C(t + 1, k + 1) * (1 - P)^(t + 2) - (1 /(1 - p)) * sigma(t = 1,+∞) C(t, k) * (1 - P)^(t + 1)


((k + 1)/(1 - p)^2) * ((1 - p)/p)^(k + 2) - (1 /(1 - p)) * ((1 - p)/p)^(k + 1)

(k + 1) * ((1 - p)^k/p^(k + 2)) - ((1 - p)^k/p^(k + 1))

∴(p/(1 - p))^k * k * ((k + 1) * ((1 - p)^k/p^(k + 2)) - ((1 - p)^k/p^(k + 1)))

((k * (k + 1))/p^2) - k/p

(k^2 + k)/p^2 - k * p/p^2

(k^2 + k - k * p)/p^2

∴ E = (k^2 + k - k * p)/p^2
然后答案就是(k * (k + 1 - p) / (p * p))了。



/*Source Code

Problem: 3682		User: aclolicon
Memory: 180K		Time: 0MS
Language: C++		Result: Accepted
Source Code*/
int main(){
	double k, p;
	while(scanf("%lf", &k) && k!=0){
		scanf("%lf", &p);
		printf("%.3lf %.3lfn", k/p, (k * (k + 1 - p) / (p * p)));
	return 0;
